Convallaria majalis. Wikipedia tells me that it “is also known as Our Lady’s tears or Mary’s tears from Christian legends that it sprang from the weeping of the Virgin Mary during the crucifixion of Jesus.” I did not know that. I knew, of course, that our English translations of Song of Songs 2:1 (שׁוֹשַׁנַּת הָעֲמָקִים) seem to refer to this plant (although it is likely referring to another plant and this name of this one may derive from that verse) and that, to my mind at least, I often think of Luke 12:27 even though that isn’t strictly what it says. But mostly I just really liked this picture that I took in my backyard this afternoon.
4 thoughts on “Lilies of the Valley”
Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows,
fair is the lilly of the valley,
clear is the water that flows from Boyne, but my love is fairer than any …
The same verse mentions Rose of Sharon, which has a rather confusing etymology…to me, it will always remind of rosasharn from grapes of wrath.