So often we talk about the “peace of Christ, the peace that the world cannot give” and forget that this peace does not mean an end to the struggle. We have gotten into the habit of thinking of peace as the end to all strife and hardship and instead think of it as root beer and HoHos while watching football (or your own equivalent, that’s just mine).
The reality is that the peace of Christ means that the victory has been won, even while the battle continues. In our lives we will encounter tragedy and sorrow, loneliness and depression and yet in the midst of that, we can still be at peace. Peace comes through our faith in Christ: he came as a child. died as a man, and rose as our savior. Peace is knowing that he remains with us still.
God’s peace be with you this Advent.
Via Flickr:
The obligatory Christmas tree ornament shot. (But this time with my Christmas present: Nikon 50mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor Lens .)
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