I am a fan of BBC Radio 4’s The Now Show (as in "News Of the Week") and a regular member of the cast is Mitch Benn who writes and sings satirical verse. This week he praised the ABC. Give it a listen.
Daily Archives: July 1, 2008
As I mentioned a week or so ago, John Hobbins has organized a group of us to comment on children’s books that were influential on or immensely enjoyed by us. It is hard for me to decide. It might surprise some that although I knew the Chronicles of Narnia quite […]
From the Chronicle of Higher Education: ACT and College Board Unveil ‘Concordance Tables’ ACT Inc. and the College Board have released updated concordance tables — estimates of how students of comparable abilities would score on the ACT and SAT examinations. For instance, a composite score of 33 (out a of […]
The Chronicle of Higher Ed has an article about the effectiveness of the Lilly Endowment’s efforts to encourage top students to go into ministry. So the endowment invited colleges to compete for grants to be used for three related purposes: to help students explore the relationship between faith and work, […]