Watching Rio Bravo with John Wayne and …Dean Martin! Imagine the amount of alcohol needed to complete that film. # Rio Bravo – Martin’s plays an alcoholic quite well. The recovering bit must have been a stretch though. # Apparently Rio Bravo is a reply to High Noon which in […]
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a […]
Well, we have over 250 votes on this poll! My blog has never been so popular…and now I know why. “Project Chanology” has linked to the poll. Their goals: Project Chanology is a large scale plan to bring down the Church of Scientology in its present form. On January 16, […]
I am not sure if he observes lent, but everyone needs a little motivation to keep fit now and then. he’s the devourer of worlds for pete’s sake drawergeeks‘ theme this week was galactus so i drew this little comic. 🙂 i identify with galactus a little bit right now. […]
Others may not like snow, but I love it! Even though I am still recovering from the bronchitis I couldn’t help but go out and play a bit and take a few pictures).
This I did not know! Thank you Charles for bringing this to our attention! I still use Accordance but there are times when I have been on the road and wanted to look something up and this would be perfect. Online BHS, LXX, and NA27 The German Bible society provides […]
You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. Psa. 51.6 [8] הן אמת חפצת בטחות ובסתם חכמה תודיעני׃ Tonight I turned on the Discovery Channel to find the show “Fight Quest” in its last few minutes. If I understood it correctly (it is […]
I took some time today to find and upload pictures that I took in Jerusalem in 2001. Please feel free to use them provided that you let me know that you are using them and provide proper credit.