Given the current issues facing our communion I think Dave’s cartoon shows just a bit too much collegiality among the cassocked bloggers. But I am on board with the Facebook group! There are 63 more to date. Care to join?
I have decided that whilst procrastinating from my main task, that of producing one good diagram a day, I will attempt to mend the rift in the Anglican Communion using various methods.
Part one is the formation of a Facebook group entitled ‘Anglican Bloggers‘ which is for all bloggers and blog commenters with an interest in Anglican things.
A group for people who blog about Anglican goings-on. Also the people who comment on the blogs about Anglican goings-on. Also Anglicans who blog, but not about Anglican goings-on. Also those who have no idea what is going on, but want to join in.
This is a group for those who blog from the right hand pews, those who blog from the left hand pews and those who find themselves blogging in the central aisle where they might be struck down by a hymnbook from either side or be run down by the procession. Everyone is welcome.
I hadn’t planned this to be a place for in-depth debate, as there are lots of those out there anyway. But it might become a place to connect with the people behind the websites. Who knows, we might discover we’re all human after all. And where the bloggers lead the bishops follow. Or something.
If you know any Anglican bloggers and commenters then please let them know. There is a thread where you can add your own site and hopefully other discussions will develop. If you’re not on Facebook it is quite easy to sign up, but if you don’t want to do so for idealogical reasons I respect that.
By the way I have drawn the people in the cartoon wearing cassocks as I am assuming we all wear cassocks when blogging and commenting. In fact I tend to wear a dressing gown, which is a short cassock made from towelling material.
OK, let’s send some invitations to some distant (and not so distant) pews. I know all of us Anglican bloggers check our referrers on an hourly basis. To the following – you’d all be most welcome to join us:
- The Stand Firmists
- Kendall at TitusOneNine
- Father Jake
- The Mad Priest
- Mark Harris
- Peter Ould
- BabyBlue
- Mark the Newbie Anglican
- Susan Russell
- Chris Sugden
- The Daily Episcopalians
- Andrew Brown
- The Lead bloggers
- Bishop David
- epiScope
This is by no stretch of the imagination anywhere remotely near an exhaustive list, but I had to start somewhere. Simon of the Thinking Anglicans has already joined, as has Bishop Alan and a good number of others. Well, we’re into double figures.
Please feel free to use the above cartoon on your own site. Just copy and paste this handy code:
<img src="" alt="cartoon from" />
<p>Cartoon by <a href="">Dave Walker</a>. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at <a href="">We Blog Cartoons</a>.</p>
I’ve posted a couple of responses from a few of the blogs on theFacebook group. I particularly appreciated the post from Mark Harris: PRELUDIUM: The Fulfillment of Predictions 1. Also Fr Jake Father Jake Stops the World: All You Need is Love? and from the other side it will be interesting to see the comments on Stand Firm – I Thought I Felt a Disturbance in the Force.
(Via The Cartoon Blog.)
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