From one of the strips I read is a post about another strip I read. Sheldon is moving! Dave Kellett Needs Help BLC’s Dave Kellett needs your help. He’s moving his daily strip, Sheldon, to tomorrow. He’s leaving United Media to go completely independent… which means he needs help […]
…we need more than just being “sincere.” In case and when the strip disappears, the dialog is this: Charlie Brown – [mocking Linus with Lucy at his side] “Look at me… I’m the ‘Great Pumpkin’! “I rise up out of the pumpkin patch, and bring toyws to all the children […]
If only so many people didn’t think this was the true meaning of the phrase: Something about racing without a helmet.
And, in case the comic should go away, Thorax in 9 Chickweed Lane, said, Sin is an act of moral turpitude with an option to renew. Not bad, eh? A note about my linking to comics. I always try to link to the comic’s home directory. I do this as […]
Let me preface this by saying that I love Peanuts and respect Charles Schultz’s work immensely. It was a very sad (yet in many ways joyous) day when he passed. The Gospel According to Peanuts by Robert Short was one of the first books (the first?) to examine comics and […]
Can I get an “Amen”? (Be sure to go to the direct site to credit the artist, Mark Leiknes.)