Vth Congress of the International Organization for Targumic Studies

The schedule for the Vth Congress of the International Organization for Targumic Studies (IOTS) is now available! The conference will be in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 12-13 July 2007. If you are in the area please stop by! 🙂 I will probably post the abstracts later, at least mine, so please feel free to offer feedback.

Thursday 12 July

8.45-13.00 Lecture Room
Welcome and Greetings
9.00-10.30 Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman, Aramaic Branches Bursting into Leaves: Towards a Critical Edition of Targum Samuel
Chair: Paul V.M. Flesher

10.30 Refreshments

Targum Onqelos, Targum Jonathan, and Targum Presentation
Chair: David Shepherd
11.00 Willem Smelik, A New Edition of Targum Onqelos: The Task Ahead
11.30 Arie van der Kooij, Targum Onkelos and Jonathan and Josephus: A discussion of some parallels
12.00 David Kroeze, Exploring the Targum Manuscripts Database
12.30 Beate Ego, Presentation of the Project Dictionary of the History of the Bible

Studies in Targum Jonathan
14.30 Lecture Room
Chair: Christian Brady
14.30 Pere Casanellas, Some aspects of the ideology of Targum Zechariah
15.00 Alinda Damsma, The Language of the Tosefta-Targums to Ezekiel: JLA and/or LJLA?
15.30 Luis Díez Merino, The Sephardic Targum Tradition and the missing Tosefta in the Antwerpian Polyglot

16.00 Refreshments

Targums of the Writings
16.30 Lecture Room
Chair: Luis Díez Merino
16.30 Jan-Wim Wesselius, Targum Beginnings as Programmatic Introductions
17.00 Andrew Fincke, Targum Lamentations 1:1-4
17.30 Christian M.M. Brady, The Use of “Eschatological Lists” within the Targumim to the Megillot.

18.00 Break

18.10 Business Meeting

Friday 13 July

9.00-13.00 Lecture Room
9.00-10.30 Douglas Gropp, The Aramaic of Targums Onkelos and Jonathan
Chair: Robert Hayward

10.30 Refreshments

Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and the Palestinian Targums
Chair: Willem Smelik
11.00 Robert Hayward, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and the Chronology of the Giving of the Torah
11.30 Gudrun E. Lier, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and the Rendition of Genesis 1:26-27
12.00 Yaacov Azuelos, Are Angels “Flesh and Blood”? A Study in the Pentateuchal Targums
12.30 Martin McNamara, Neofiti revisited: Father in heaven, Shekinah, Memra and Holy Spirit

What is a Targum?
14.30 Lecture Room
Chair: Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman
14.30 David Shepherd, What’s in a name? Targum and Taxonomy in the Caves of Qumran
15.00 Simon Adnams Lasair, Selective Appropriation: A Biblical Phenomenon According to Targumic Eyes
15.30 Paul V.M. Flesher, Defining “Targum”: How do we know one when we see one?

16.00 Refreshments

16.30 Business Meeting

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